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Hey guys. The title says it all basically. There's two of us posting on this blog (Jas and Issy). We post what we like and promise not to go overboard on fangirling. Well, at least 91% of the time.We've never actually met each other face to face, but we have so much in common it's unbelievable. Forever alone together, this is koalababy and the walrus. Welcome to our world.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Honesty hour ((RANT))

This has been playing on my mind a lot lately, and I suppose it's just something I have to get off my chest before I implode and the universe goes down with me. 
Okay, I've been thinking about some of the things I've said in the past. And when I mean the past, I mean anytime from the start of this year and before that. I've made some incredibly sexist, slut-shaming, homophobic, body bashing, racist remarks in my life time. I'm not proud of anything I've said - like, hell, I've made some of the remarks on this blog! I've made remarks in videos, on the internet, in real life, god..... it's disgusting and I take back every ounce of what I've said because that's not how I work anymore. I have better morals and values now and I don't have anyone to blame but myself. Well, myself and the people I was friends with before now. I used to hang around with people who would say these sort of things, all the time! It wears off on you, I can tell you that. 
I remember at the start of the year (this sounds awful and I feel like I shouldn't be telling you guys because I'm ashamed) I went to a festival, and saw one particular girl wearing clothes that some people would pass off as "provocative" or "slutty". My "friends" and I would deliberately mutter insults and slut-shaming remarks as we passed her and, idk, I look back on it now and I absolutely hate myself for what I've done. I remember back in year 7 when I forced myself to tell my then-friends that I hated gays/lesbians because they thought homosexuality was disgusting and I felt like I had to as well to get my "friends" to like me. I remember alienating people of a certain sexuality as if it being gay or lesbian was abnormal. 
I remember laughing at and making body-bashing comments on girls who were overweight/underweight/ or had cellulite/stretch marks/acne/fat/scars/etc... I also hated my own body for the fact that it was "shapeless" according to my then-friends.

I've only recently become a feminist - After all the things I've said in the past, I've changed, a LOT (what teenager hasn't?) I believe that as a woman, you're totally allowed to dress however you want! YOU decide what you do with your health/body - don't let anyone else tell you what to do with your body (I'm referring to Romney and his campaign against abortion. GRRRR THE MAN NEEDS A SWIFT KICK IN THE JUGULAR) Anyway, be whoever you want! If you like sex, hell yes, you go out there guuuurl and enjoy yourself (be safe tho). Wear the shortest shorts you want, no matter how skinny or big or tall or short you are. Wear whatever you're comfortable in (but remember to wear something when you go out because being naked in public is a federal offence - IF ONLY BEING NAKED WERE A NORMAL THING ugghhh sad life *cry*). 
I whole heartily support gay marriage. If you love another person and that person loves you - then go for it, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Love doesn't discriminate sex/race/age. I manage to convince people everyday that I'm a lesbian and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm heterosexual, but like, you know, what if I end up liking women as well? It's a possibility and I wouldn't mind at all. 
About the body shaming thing - that was also disgusting. Body bashing is not acceptable in any format. Every body shape/style is beautiful. Cellulite and stretch marks are beautiful. Fat if fabulouuussss. Scars are badass.  Moles and beauty spots are gorg. Being fat/thin/in between - it all good. Having boobs or no boobs is fine! You don't have to have a vagina to be a girl, either! Heck, you just gotta flaunt what you got. Flaunt it, baby, flaunt it.

Once again, I'm extremely apologetic to anyone out there I have offended. I understand that this isn't a great apology, but I em naht soh gud wit werds. These are all things I feel passionately about now and if anyone is willing to rant with me about any of those topics I mentioned before, don't be shy, I'm always around if anyone wants to talk (message me through Tumblr, I'm on it all day). Thank you, and good night <3

- Jasmine 

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